Why There’s Never a Bad Time to Purchase Gold

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teaching kids the value of a dollar

Do your kids understand the value of money? Do they know that it takes hard work to earn the money you use to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table? One thing I wanted to be sure my kids understood was that money isn't easy to come by. If you want something, you will have to work for it. So, what are the best ways to teach your kids the true value of a dollar? My blog is all about teaching kids of all ages about hard work and how it pays off. Hopefully, you will find everything here useful and can help your child learn that with a little hard work, anything is possible.


Why There’s Never a Bad Time to Purchase Gold

17 December 2021
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Are you looking to add to your portfolio or put away some money for a rainy day? One way to do either of these things might be to reach out to a local gold seller and inquire about purchasing some real, tangible gold, or other possible options. Here's how acquiring or purchasing gold can benefit you and your financial future.

Gold Tends to Go Up When Other Certain Assets Go Down

One of the reasons gold is appreciated as an asset by many long-term investors is that many investors will turn to gold as a safe haven if the rest of the market or economy is struggling. If the dollar is down in value or the stock market is down in value, the price of gold or gold-based stocks and funds might be up. There are of course going to be exceptions to this rule, but investing in at least a little gold can help offset your losses if the rest of your portfolio takes a downward turn.

It's Always Good to Have Additional Diversification Regardless of the Market

But regardless of whether the dollar or the economy is going up or down, one of the most important rules of any long-term investment strategy is to make sure you are well diversified. If you only have cash on hand or are heavily invested in stocks and mutual funds, moving at least some of this money into gold lets you invest in a different type of asset. Additional diversification in your portfolio will give you better peace of mind regardless of whether one particular stock or asset has a good day or bad day on the market.

You Can Even Diversify How You Buy Your Gold

When you reach out to a local gold seller, you may be surprised at the number of different options available. You can buy gold in the form of nuggets or coins or jewelry that is crafted from a mix of gold and perhaps some other metals or materials. Some gold sellers are even licensed to sell gold-based stocks or funds if you prefer to get your gold value on paper or virtually as opposed to having to lug around something tangible and more difficult to protect like a coin collection. Reach out to a local gold seller and you might find they have new options for sale compared with what they sold you the last time you contacted them.